go to the deep

Meditation on the Gospel – Ressurection

We will have the opportunity to profess our faith in the Risen Lord in our cathedrals and in the churches of the whole world; in our homes and among our families, so that everyone may feel a strong need to know better and to transmit to future generations the faith of all times (“Porta Fidei” Benedict XVI No. 8).

By faith, we too live: by the living recognition of the Lord Jesus, present in our lives and in our history (“Porta Fidei” Benedict XVI No. 13).

go to the deep

Meditation on the Gospel – The road to Emmaus

“Confessing with the lips indicates in turn that faith implies public testimony and commitment. A Christian may never think of belief as a private act. Faith is choosing to stand with the Lord so as to live with Him. This “standing with Him” points toward an understanding of the reasons for believing. Faith, precisely because it is a free act, also demands social responsibility for what one believes” (“Porta Fidei” Benedict XVI No. 10)

go to the deep

Meditation on the Gospel – Jesus and Thomas.

“By faith, across the centuries, men and women of all ages, whose names are written in the Book of Life (cf. Rev 7:9, 13:8), have confessed the beauty of following the Lord Jesus wherever they were called to bear witness to the fact that they were Christian: in the family, in the workplace, in public life, in the exercise of the charisms and ministries to which they were called”. (Porta Fidei “Benedict XVI No. 13)