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Saint Maron, Αγίος Μάρωνας 2024

Assisted by the Maronite priests, and surrounded by may bishops and priests from the sister churches, the Maronite Archbishop of Cyprus, H.E. Msgr. Selim Sfeir, presided the Holy Liturgy of the Feast of the Maronite church patron, Saint Maron, in the “Our Lady of Graces” cathedral in Nicosia, on February 11, 2024, at 10:00 a.m.

The holy mass was attended by:

H.E. the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr. Nikos Chritodoulidis and the First Lady Mrs. Philipa Karssera Christodoulidi.

His Excellency Bishop Porfyrios of Neapolis representing His Beatitude Archbishop Georges the Third, Archbishop of Nova Justiniana and all Cyprus. As well as many Metropolitans from the Greek Orthodox Church of Cyprus.

Mr. Nikos Tornarides, Representing H.E. Mrs. Annita Demetriou, the president of the House of Parliament.

H.E. Mr. Antonis Liatsos, President of the supreme court of Cyprus.

Mr. Yannakis Moussa, The Maronite Representative in the house of Parliament.

H.E. Mrs. Claude El Hajjal, Ambassador of Lebanon to Cyprus and dean of Diplomats.

The Most Reverend Msgr. Mauro Lalli, Chargé d’affaires of the Vatican Embassy in Cyprus.

The most Reverend Msgr. Bruno Varriano, Patriarchal Vicar of the Latin Community in Cyprus.

H.E. Mr. Makis Keravnos, Minister of Finance of the republic of Cyprus.

H.E. Mrs. Marilena Raounaa, Deputy Minister of European affairs.

H.E. Mrs. Anna Aristotelous, Presidential Commissioner for Humanitarian Issues and Overseas Cypriots.

Mr. Michel Matta, President of the Maronite Council of Lebanon.

Mr. Contstantinos Yorgatzis , Mayor of Nicosia.

Mr. Andreas Papacharalambos, Mayor of Strovolos.

The Heads and Representatives of all the Political Parties of the Parliament, some members of the parliament, the representative of the Armenian Community, the Head and representatives of “The Local community council of our Maronite Villages”, former ministers and former Maronite representatives, representatives of the National Guards and Police Forces, and many ambassadors and diplomatic representatives and officials,

As well as many priests and nuns and consecrated, who raised their voices in praise for the Lord in this occasion.

The Maronite Choir served and tuned the hymns of the holy mass, elevating the attendees into heavenly spirituals.







9:30: Arrival and accommodation
10:00: Introduction and morning prayer
10:15: Presentation of the theme
11:00: Coffee break
11:30: Work in groups
12:00: Summary of the work in groups
13:00: Lunch
14:00: Sacrament of confession and
preparation of the Eucharist
15:00: Holy Eucharist
16:00: Recreation time .
17:00: Departure from Pervolia


NB. You may register your families with your parish priest until 20th November.
For lunch please prepare a food that we will all share together, all kind of goods are
welcome to celebrate together.

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Mrs. Anna Aristotelous’ visit to Karpasha and Kormakitis

The new Head of Humanitarian Issues department for Missing, Detained and Resettled persons Mrs. Anna Aristotelous, visited the villages of Karpasha and Kormakitis on the 21rst of August 2023.
Mrs. Aristotelous was welcomed by H.E. Archbishop Selim Sfeir and the Representative of the Maronites in the Parliament, H.E. Mr. Yannakis Moussas and the Member of the House of Representatives of Cyprus H.E. Mr. Mario Mavrides and the Mokhtari of both villages.
Mrs. Aristotelous listened to the needs of the people in both villages.

Holy Thursday, 12.4.2012

Holy Thursday, 12.4.2012

Holy Thursday

1 Cor 11/23-32;Luc 22/1-23

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I want to meditate with you, on this Easter night, on the mystery of God’s love to us, through the following four points:

  1. It is the Thursday of the Sacraments, during which our Lord culminates His life on the Eve of His passion, offering Himself for us, through the Eucharistic Gifts that is the bread and wine. He established the mystery of Holy Eucharist, which summarizes the path of humanity towards this hour, during which He saves mankind from sin and liberates it with His death and resurrection. Through Holy Eucharist we thank and praise Him for the life and salvation He gave us. In this way, we glorify the Father through the spirit that makes us participate in this symposium of the bread of life.
  2. It is the Thursday of the washing of the feet, which clearly shows, that Jesus Christ, the King of Kings leaned towards our sinful humanity. Let us remember that He himself leaned during His incarnation and was born in a place full of humility. He, himself entered Jerusalem riding a donkey and was welcomed by the pure and the righteous. And on this night, he completes the ceremony of the washing, in order to give an example to His disciples, to all of us, that love is expressed with service and the most prominent should be the first servant. In this mystery of His love we were baptized Christians to serve humanity.
  3. It is the Thursday during which our Lord established priesthood. He is Himself the priest of the New Testament. All baptized participate in His priesthood through baptism. Some are called to serve the community through the priesthood of the altar, celebrating the Holy Eucharist and the other mysteries. The presence of priests in the world shows God’s mercy towards humanity. Because of the presence of priests in human societies, the faith within the community is testified. Jesus continues to invite young people to follow Him. My youth, open your hearts to hear His voice and accept Him.
  4. It is the Thursday during which we renew our faith in front of this huge mystery of His love towards us. Let us be honest with ourselves, let us be consistent to our baptism and Christian mission. Let us search deep inside to realize what kind of faith we live: Is it a temporary faith? Is it faith received from the family and society without any personal or deep commitment? Is it a faith in which we exercise some external religious ceremonies without considering that we adore the Living God who loves us and requests from us only to love Him? Let us renew our faith, let us apologize in front of the generosity of His love. Let us meet the challenges of faith in today’s world, because life in Christ today, tomorrow and for ever is the greatest and most beautiful gift ever. To Him be Glory for Ever. Amen

Nicosia, 12 April 2012

† Youssef Soueif

Maronite Archbishop of Cyprus



Holy Friday, 13.4.2012

Holy Friday

1 Peter 4/12-19; John 6/48-59

I want to meditate with you on the Passion of Christ focusing on the following five points:

  1. It is the Passion of Christ in all its being. The very fact of the Incarnation, that is, God the Father sending His only begotten Son to become Emmanuel, is the same Passion. The Son leaves everything behind, His Glory, the Kingdom of His Father and dwells with people, with sinners, simply because He loved us and wanted to free us from slavery.
  2. It is the Passion of His body, His Holy and Immaculate body, His body which represents human nature, but that, which is perfect whereas ours is imperfect. He invites us to perfection and bears all His passions for our salvation and our renewal.
  3. It is the Passion of His soul, the Passion of the One who came to fulfill the will of His Father, the Father who was in direct communication with Him day and night. During the day He used to meet the Father through the people and their passions, and at night in prayer and silence He was in union and communion with Him.
  4. It is the Passion of humanity. Jesus carries through His personal passions, the passions of all humanity, of all history, even those arising from the rejection of God. He carries in His Passion the sickness and the sick, the remote and the near, those who search for Him in purity to meet Him, to know Him and to become His disciples.
  5. The Passion of salvation. It is the Passion that brings salvation, not the Passion just for the Passion, but for the salvation of men. It is the Passion that leads us to the dynamism of life and resurrection. Let us thank Him for His Passions, let us present ours in front of His cross and let us bear His in our bodies so as to become His disciples. Amen.

Nicosia, 13 April 2012

† Youssef Soueif

Maronite Archbishop of Cyprus
