Homily of His Excellency Msgr Selim Sfeir Maronite Archbishop of Cyprus
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
“But at midnight there was a shout, “Look! Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.”
The parable of the Gospel of this Sunday corrects our mistaken belief that the hour of our death will arrive in accordance with our plans. The wise virgins predicted the eventuality that the bridegroom would be delayed, and taking this into consideration, they carefully judged their resources and planned accordingly.
How beautiful it is, in the work of living together, that a husband anticipates what his wife likes, carries out this task without drawing attention to it, and makes the world a better place by applying the ‘oil’ of charity. This is a great work for each of us; to foresee the needs of others without being asked. How much better life will be when, in the Presence of God, we advance ‘the hour’ and go out to meet our neighbour by trying to serve them before the hour strikes.
Every time we pray the Holy Rosary, we anticipate the hour of our death by asking the Holy Virgin Mary “to pray for us now and at the hour of our death”. Could anything be more wonderful? That hour of our death will come to each one of us and it will be burdened with the fear of our particular judgement and the regret for our many sins and omissions in charity. But the good child of God who has been faithful to his daily rosary can console himself by remembering he was like the wise virgins of the gospel and anticipated this hour by praying many rosaries.
He will not be like those foolish virgins who stand outside the banquet shouting, “Lord, Lord, open to us!”. Instead the child of God, with Rosary in hand will wisely say, “Lady, Lady open to me!” and his Mother will come quickly in that hour of greatest need.
My friends, never neglect your daily rosary!
In the hour of the Bridegroom, we beseech you, Blessed Virgin Mary, to obtain for us the grace to die in the state of sanctifying grace.
† Selim Sfeir
Maronite Archbishop of Cyprus