Archbishop’s Teaching

Seventh Sunday after Epiphany Luke 12 / 42-48

Time of the Epiphany
Seventh Sunday after Epiphany
Homily of His Excellency Selim Sfeir
Maronite Archbishop of Cyprus

Luke 12 / 42-48

Priests' Sunday

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
"Do not forsake the charism within you".
After meditating on our baptismal vocation during the Epiphany season,
and as an introduction to the Lenten season, our Maronite liturgy
distinguishes itself by commemorating the baptized who, having lived out
their faith and hope in the Risen Christ, fell asleep in the hope of His
resurrection and have been called to join Him in His Kingdom in
communion with the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the saints of all times.
The first Sunday is dedicated to those who have consecrated themselves
as faithful stewards to serve their Master: namely the priests, the second
Sunday is dedicated to the memory of all the righteous and the saints who
have placed their hearts on the treasure of eternal life by leading a life
adjusted to the Lord's will. And finally, the third Sunday is dedicated to
the commemoration of all the faithful departed who are waiting to join the
Lord in His Kingdom to enjoy eternal blessedness.
Carrying this treasure of life in Christ Our Lord in a fragile but loving
heart, we pray for our deceased priests who served our Church in Cyprus.
Despite their weaknesses and limitations, they lived, with full awareness,
their mission as vigilant and faithful servants, transmitting the Good News
to us through the example of their lives, through their fraternal gestures in daily life, through their compassion for all, through the joy they sowed in hearts, through the consolation they gave to their brothers and sisters in Christ in times of distress, and through the peace they tried to preach where conflict prevailed...
We carry the torch of faith after them. May their witness and fidelity encourage us, in turn, to live our priestly vocation with the same dedication and missionary zeal. May we remain dressed for service, keeping our lamps lit by the light of Christ's grace.
With this intention, let us pray this Sunday for the priests of our diocese, for these new servants called to serve the children of our Church in Cyprus, so that they too may faithfully and devotedly proclaim the Word of God, giving us the body and blood of Christ as food for our salvation. May they fulfill their mission more through the witness of their lives than by their words.
Let us pray to the Master of the Harvest to give us pious families who pray and pass on to their children the love of God and neighbor, fathers and mothers who pray for their children so that one day they may discover God's call to follow Him and dedicate themselves to the service of His Church.

Lord, we pray to you with all our dear deceased priests, receive them into your Kingdom by forgiving their weakness so that they may enter into your eternal joy. We also pray for our priests to sanctify them with your grace every day, and help them to live their mission faithfully by the grace of the charisma they have received from you without merit. Amen.

† Selim Sfeir
Maronite Archbishop of Cyprus

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