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Paving the Way for a Synodal Church

Paving the Way for a Synodal Church: An Integral Experience

The first General Congregation of the General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops begins with a focus on the integral experience of a synodal Church. Cardinal Hollerich encourages participants to draw from their collective synodal journey experiences and engage in communal discernment through "conversation in the Spirit" in preparation for further discussions.

In the spirit of unity and reflection, the first General Congregation of the General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops commenced on Wednesday 4 October, setting the stage for the journey towards a more synodal Church. The first 'module', or section, of the gathering, which will continue until Saturday morning, and aims at providing a comprehensive understanding of the synodal Church as an integral experience, laying the groundwork for fruitful discussions in the subsequent modules.


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